
Bob Thompson image

About Bob Thompson

Bob Thompson is the creator and co-founder of Ideas-Shared alongside his good friend, Ivar Ingimarsson. Our unique ‘home of serendipity’ is for people 16+ and every type of organisation.

“This is what the Internet was designed for, a true network of people and organisations able to instantly address any personal, community, social, business, environmental, economic, financial, technological, and political issue with people they know and those they’ve yet to meet.”

It brings everyone together to drive personal, professional, and societal change and improvement to every corner of the world and of course, it is based on each person’s unique perspective, experience, circumstance, and desire.

What Else Would You Like To Know?

I live in the UK, married to Ali for near 30 years, have two grown up sons, and a dog named Harry!

By profession I’m a procurement professional, MCIPS qualified, and a veteran, too.

I’m guessing that’s not the kind of stuff you’re looking for. 

You’re probably wondering… 

Is This Guy Worth My Time & Attention? 

For everyone, my answer is YES and NO.

Bob & Ali

Here’s Why:

No 1: I can not help you get instant results.

For some reason, people equate doing things on the Internet as instantaneous, with quick results, and requiring no effort.

I get it, that’s what technology and AI is supposed to deliver. But it doesn’t work like that.

For a start there are many different types of ambitions and goals, some complex, some easy, some requiring a little help, some lots.

So if you’re expecting instant results that immediately develop your ideas, overcome your frustrations, and fix problems with like-minded people, then our solution is not for you.

No 2: If you don’t want to take action, you’re not going to enjoy my stuff.

No one can improve their lot, or change the world, locally, or globally, at home, at work or in the community simply by doing nothing.

That’s just crazy.

So if you’re not prepared to do what it takes to succeed, to ask for help, get help, and then make it happen with like-minded people, then our solution is not for you.

No 3: if you’re only in it for yourself, I don’t want to help you.

It’s important that you understand this.

I can help you, but all of humanity is in this together. You see, if we all just focus on ourselves, then we’ll never change the world, there simply won’t be enough leverage to change what absolutely needs changing.

If we’re serious about changing and improving our world then we have to look beyond simply ourselves. Sure we can help ourselves, but we should also help other people, help other organisations’ throughout the world, and importantly take steps together to change the systems, cultures, and behaviour’s that are limiting human evolution.

Look, changing and improving our world at any level can be HARD WORK. Yes, when everything is done, and that value and benefit is realised just like you imagined: Your world will be better. 

But that takes HARD WORK to create and it takes HARD WORK to maintain, which is why we created Ideas-Shared, to make the process of change and improvement far more effective, efficient, and beneficial for everyone.

You’re Still Here? Fantastic!

Here’s what I will help you with, specifically…

My main focus is to help you turn your personal, professional, and societal ambitions and goals into desired outcomes by using local and global collaboration with people you know, and those you’ve yet to meet. 

I’m the creator and co-founder of a platform called Ideas-Shared which is a fancy way of saying, “Identifying, Progressing and Delivering the Outcomes you want to see happen.” 

It is, in my opinion, the Holy Grail of human endeavour. 

I also focus on positioning you and your ambitions and goals – which is really a fancy way of saying, “Getting People and Organisations To Help You Succeed.” 

I do this by giving you the tools and a repeatable methodology to genuinely make change and improvement happen. 

The best way to do this is using a method of intelligent collaboration I created using Everyday Activities.

Here’s what you can expect from me

Ideas-Shared: Magical Home of Serendipity

You’ll get access to our platform and methodology, including:

  • In-depth, comprehensive information that you can quickly pick up and use.
  • Actionable strategies and tactics to develop ideas, overcome frustrations, fix problems, offer solutions, and more that work…
  • The opportunity to overcome adversity and take advantage of opportunities with people and organisations you know and those you’ve yet to meet…

How do I know if your solution is any good?

Well, the smartest thing to do is to just check it out, and try it out, and learn everything you can about this extraordinary and unique opportunity. 

If you like it, you’ll probably want to use it for real, with real people and organisations who want to help, and want the same outcomes as you. 

Check out our Ambition Directory and get involved, today!

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